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Alfa Thermography

Alfa Thermography is an instrument that measures body temperature, with the results of the test displayed on a graph. Since early times, physicians have felt the body surface of their patients with the backs of their hands, and particularly warm or cold areas of skin have indicated an inflammatory or degenerative illness in the organs which lie underneath. Humans actively keep their internal body temperature as close to constant as possible, which helps us survive changes in seasons and climate zones. This constant body warmth is produced by cellular metabolism, especially within the metabolically active organs of the liver and muscles. In order to maintain a relatively consistent internal body temperature, there is a constant balancing of heat production and heat emission.

Detailed investigation reveals that one finds different surface temperatures at different bodily locations. Every person has his own temperature pattern which is typical for him, and hardly changes day by day or week to week. It only changes during illness or regulation, or in cases of substantial change in living patterns. The diagnostic possibilities of Alfa thermography are based on that an individual’s temperature pattern can be directly affected by irritations, which extend from our internal organs. What happens when the human body is exposed to a cooling influence? The skin begins cooling already after 1-2 minutes, and the regulation of thermal values to its new level is reached after 5-10 minutes. Staying unclothed at an ambient temperature of 22 degrees demands a controlled adjustment to the new situation.

A thermal diagnosis assumes that illnesses of internal organs and disturbances of their
functions project as temperature patterns on the skin’s surface and are here diagnostically detectable. Nerve reflexes reach the skin zones which are affected by internal disturbances (so-called Head zones). Through electronic thermos-sensors, we are in a position to determine the temperature at different skin locations, very fast and with great accuracy. An attached computer notes determined values, thus, each deviation from the physiological standard value can be found and interpreted as an inflammatory or degenerative change in the associated neural segment.

Designated points are measured twice, before and after cooling off. In this way, the
body is forced into a heat regulation; each body part must react to this stimulation and
regulate its temperature. From these reactions, further important diagnostic references can
be had, such as the reactivity of the organism as a whole and each individual measured body

With this information, early signs of dysfunction can be revealed to the patient prior to them expressing symptoms of diseases, and in some cases, years earlier. Further, connections between foci, such as dental concerns, inflammation within the nasal cavities, tonsil, appendix, or other, and an expressed chronic condition can be determined. Regardless of one’s age, the benefits of Alfa thermography include; an early detection of disease, provide a way of evaluating a person’s response to therapy and offers non- invasive way of providing a total body assessment, accurately.

Preparation before the procedure:
The Alfa thermography is an extremely sensitive method for measuring point-specific differences in the body temperature. It is of utmost importance to observe the following restrictions in order to ensure accuracy of results. The test is completed approximately 1 hour.

Synthetic medications can be taken evening before, and after the Alfa thermography scan. Please consult your physician concerning vitally important medicines for asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and cardiovascular diseases. Natural medicines should not be taken on the evening before or morning prior to Alfa thermography (take only after the procedure).

Evening before the procedure:
 Men should shave (facial) the evening before.
 Shower, wash your hair, but not use any hair or body creams, lotions or oils.
 Give particular attention to oral hygiene.

The morning of the procedure:
 Men:

  • Do not shave. 

  • Do not shower or bathe.

  • Do not brush your teeth, just rinse lightly with warm water.

  • Do not use any facial or body creams.

  • Do not use any make-up, perfumes and deodorants.

  • No breakfast. Do not drink any beverages containing caffeine. Lukewarm herbal teas and/or water are permitted.

  • Dress comfortably, loose clothing if possible.

  • Do not wear any synthetic clothes.

  • Cotton, wool or silk are permitted. Take into consideration if you have the tendency to be warm or cool.


  • cannot be tested during menstruation period.

  • Wear a front, button down blouse or shirt, if possible.

  • If possible, for women, please do not wear a bra.

  • Do not do any gymnastic exercises in the morning, no long walks before the Alfa thermography scan.

  • Refrain from dentistry and dental cleaning at least 3 days prior to your appointment.

  • Do not smoke.

The Alfa thermography procedure:

  •  You will be asked to sit quietly on a chair fully dressed for 15 minutes. Do not cross your arms or legs, remain quiet; try to relax. - This is to allow your body to adjust to the room temperature.

  • You will be asked to remove your clothing with the exception of your undergarments, which should be lowered to the hip.

  •  The respective temperature points will be touched tested with the rubber tip of the thermos-probe on the head, neck, chest and breast, abdomen, pelvis, arms and back areas.

  • COOL DOWN: Undressed you will be asked again to be seated for about 10 minutes.

  •  After 10 minutes, the thermos-probe temperature test will be repeated.

  •  You can then get dressed.

  •  The results will be forwarded to your physician.

  •  Again, your cooperation in all aspects of this procedure will be helpful for everyone in achieving the most accurate results.

Opening hours

Sat- Wed : 10 am - 6 pm
Thurs. 11 am - 4 pm 
Friday .. Off


Dr Mai AlShamsi Integrated Care Center

POBox 61666

Abu Dhabi, C29 Al Qurm Area, Khalifa Park, Same Building Union National Bank

Building No. 60, 2nd Floor, Room 201

United Arab Emirates

02-222 2818

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