Autonomic Nervous System Test also known as Rhythmogram is a special heart ratevariability assessment to determine the regulative capacity of the autonomic nervous system, which should be in dynamic balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. HRV or Heart Rate Variability is the natural rise and fall of your heart in response to your breathing, blood pressure, hormones, stress and even emotions. The greater the heart rate variability, the healthier the heart and the nervous system that provides its feedback loop with the brain. Even more critical, HRV is reflective and predictive of general health and overall psycho-physiological (mind-body) wellness. The sympathetic nervous system is frequently referred as the “fight or flight” system, as it has a stimulatory effect on organs and physiological systems, responsible for rapid sensory activity and movement. It is also known however to retard immune activity.
The parasympathetic nervous system has “rest and digest” activity. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in bradycardia (slowing of heart rate) and “relaxes” many functions of organs and body systems. It also stimulates salivary gland secretion and accelerates peristalsis and therefore, in keeping with the “rest and digest” functions, appropriate PNS activity mediates digestion of food and indirectly, the absorption of nutrients.The natural variations of heart rhythms give important indications of the reaction capability and “healing power” of an organism. These variations are recorded by a computer: the pulse writer records the pulse for several minutes- before, during and after small physical effort. The results of this test will permit a judgment of the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic tonus. Furthermore, the results visualize how the body reacts to load. This test also serves as a good means of determining the effectiveness of medical treatment so that further treatments may be guided in the most effective direction.